Representative Studies on Victimisation (Nomos, 2016, 308 pp.), edited by Dr. Dirk Baier and Prof. Christian Pfeiffer of the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony, presents the findings of a range of representative academic studies on risk factors in victimisation, victimisation of various specific population groups and the impacts of victimisation ‐ a substantial academic project for which we produced the English translation.
Environment, Social Policy, Sustainability
Translation of demanding environment, social and sustainable development policy reports, brochures, academic publications and legislation for central government and regional ministries, government agencies and research institutes, business, industry associations and NGOs.
Urban Development
HABITAT III National Report Germany – translation of the German national report to the United Nations Habitat III Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (2015, 95 pp.).
Social Security
For more than 15 years now we have produced and updated the English-language content for Social Security at a Glance [], a publication of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs that provides an overview of social welfare provision in Germany.
Offshore Wind Power
Anika Beiersdorf/Antje Radecke (Ed.), 2014: Ecological Research at the Offshore Windfarm alpha ventus: Challenges, Results and Perspectives, published by Springer Spektrum. Outcomes of research carried out during the construction and operation of Germany’s first offshore wind farm together with a discussion of the impacts of wind turbines on the marine environment.
Human Trafficking
Much of our work involves government reporting for international organisations. In 2015, we translated a 120-page government report to the Council of Europe on national action against human trafficking.
Marine Nature Conservation
Criminology and crime prevention: books, academic articles, research funding applications and conference outcomes, mostly in cooperation over many years with the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) and German Congress on Crime Prevention (Deutscher Präventionstag).
Climate Policy and Emissions Trading
In longstanding cooperation with the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (, we provide English-language content for the website and the Carbon Mechanisms Review journal, and translate publications and reports on emissions trading and the Kyoto mechanisms (CDM and JI).
Gender Equality Atlas for Germany
Translation of the Gender Equality Atlas for Germany, a publication of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) analysing the current position regarding gender equality on the basis of quantitative indicators.
Gender Equality Atlas for Germany []
Family Report 2014
German Federal Government (Families Ministry) report on current trends and developments relating to families and family policy in Germany.
Family Report 2014: []