English translations that make every word count: Words-Worth is a team of experienced British translators in Düsseldorf and Bonn. We translate for central government and regional ministries, government agencies and research institutes, business, industry associations and NGOs. As English native speakers, we translate exclusively from German into English.
German ⇒ English Translations

Corporate Communications
Corporate Communications are a company’s face and voice to its customers, business partners, investors and employees. We help clients find the right words in communicating with varied target audiences.

Business and Finance
Financial translations that meet global players’ highest demands: Annual reports, quarterly reports and ad-hoc releases for leading German corporate groups, research monographs on accounting theory, business theory and economics, and industry association submissions to the EU legislative process.

Environment, Social Policy, Sustainability
Translation of demanding environment, social and sustainable development policy reports, brochures, academic publications and legislation for central government and Länder ministries, government agencies and research institutes, business, industry associations and NGOs.